Biographie :
- 2003 - : Professeure des Universités, INSA Lyon – Membre du Labex IMU
- 2010-2014 : Membre élu du Conseil d’Administration, INSA Lyon
- 2009-2012 : Directrice du Département Génie Civil et Urbanisme, INSA Lyon
- 2008-2009 : Directrice Adjointe du Département de Génie Civil et Urbanisme, INSA Lyon
- 1994-2003 : Maître de Conférences, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- 2000 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- 1991 : Thèse de Doctorat, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, préparée au LMS Ecole Polytechnique, financement de la Commission Européenne (DG XII/CCR)
Encadrement doctoral et jurys d'HDR et de thèses de doctorat :
- 21 directions ou co-directions de Thèses de Doctorat +2 en cours
- 73 directions de Master
- 11 jurys d’HDR (1 présidente, 8 rapporteur)
- 97 jurys de thèses (37 présidente, 23 rapporteur)
Thématiques de recherche :
- Géomécanique environnementale et couplages HMC
- Approches expérimentales et numériques appliquées aux milieux poreux et granulaires
- Comportement des géostructures souterraines
- Propagation d’ondes, dynamique des sols et protection sismique
Enseignements :
- Cours Magistral de Mécanique des Sols GEO2 (Cours, TD, TP)
- Cours de Géotechnique avancée (Cours, TD)
- Géotechnique/Géomécanique DC AI
- Initiation à la Recherche et Développement
Publications :
86 publications dans des journaux internationaux de rang
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A.R. (2022). River dredged sediments reuse in fired bricks – A case study of Usumacinta River, Mexico. soumis
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., (2023) Usumacinta River sediments as a renewable resource for landscaping and agronomy, Geotechnics, received 20 april 2023
- El Souwaissi N., Djeran-Maigre I., Boulangé L., Trottin J.-L. (2023) Effect of the physical characteristics of foams on conditioned soil’s flow behaviour: A case study, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless technology Research 137-105111.
- Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A.R., Levacher D., Morsel A., Hussain M., Delfosse E., (2023) A relevant characterization of Usumacinta River Sediments for a reuse in earthen construction and agriculture, J. of South American Earth Sciences, Published on 01 Jan 2023,
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., (2022) Possible recycling of dredged sediments in earth bricks-case studies of marine, fluvial and dam sediments, 765-774p. DOI:10.5150/jngcgc.2022.078 Published on 1 Jan 2022
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., Saouti L. (2022). Analysis of physical and mechanical characteristics of tropical natural fibers for their use in civil engineering applications, Journal of Natural Fibers, 27p. URL: Djeran-Maigre I., Morsel A., Hussain M., Levacher D., Razakamanantsoa A.R., Delfosse E. (2022) Behaviour of masonry lateral loaded walls made with sediment-based bricks from the Usumacinta River (Mexico), Cleaner Engineering and Technology 11 (2022) 100587,
- Djeran-Maigre I., Morsel A., Briançon L., Delfosse E. Levacher D., Razakamanantsoa (2022) Uses of Usumacinta River sediments as a sustainable resource for unpaved roads: An experimental study on a full-scale pilot unit, Transportation Engineering, 100136,
- Djeran-Maigre I., Morsel A., Briançon L., Delfosse E., Levacher D., Razakamanantsoa A. (2022) Uses of Usumacinta River sediments as a sustainable resource for unpaved roads: an experimental study on a full-scale pilot unit, Transportation Engineering, 9, 100136,
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Saouati L., Leblanc N., Zmamou H. Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., (2022) Implementation on a preparation and controlled compaction procedure for waste-fibre reinforced raw earth samples, Journal of Composites Science 2022,6,3.
Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H. Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., Saouti L. (2022) Reuse of harbor and river dredged sediments in adobe bricks, Cleaner Materials 3, 100046,
Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H. Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A. (2021) Possible recycling of dredged sediments in earth bricks – case studies of marine, fluvial and dam sediments, DOI:10.5150/jngcgc.2022.078,
Hussain M., Levacher D., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A., Leblanc N., Zmamou H. (2021) Influence of Palm Oil Fibers Length Variation on Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Crude Bricks, Construction Technologies and Architecture, Online:2022-01-05ISSN: 2674-1237, Vol. 1, pp 707-714© 2022 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H., Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A. (2021) Properties of Mexican Tropical Palm Oil Flower and Fruit Fibers for Their Prospective Use in Eco-Friendly Construction Material, Fibers 2021, 9, 63.
- Robinet J.-C., Tyri D., Djeran-Maigre I., (2021) Hydro-mechanical response of crushed argillite and bentonite mixtures as sealing material, Engineering Geology, Vol. 288, July 2021, 106140,
- Tyri D., Ly B.Q.H., Nader F., Djeran-Maigre I., Robinet J.-C., Zghondi J. (2021) Backfill of radioactive waste disposal: feasibility study of argillite/bentonite (COx/MX80) pellets, ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Oct 2021, 7(4): 041901,
- Nader F., Silvani C., Djeran-Maigre I. (2021) Oedometric compression of a granular material: computation of energies involves during breakage with a discrete element modelling, EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 07008 https: /
- Li S., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S. (2021) Benchmark for three-dimensional explicit asynchronous absorbing layer for ground wave propagation and wave barriers, Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 131, 103808,
- Hussain M., Levacher D., Leblanc N., Zmamou H.Djeran-Maigre I., Razakamanantsoa A.R, (2020) Sediment based fired bricks strength optimization : A discussion on different approaches, Published on 01 Jan 2020
- Li S., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S. (2020) Three-dimensional hybrid asynchronous perfectly matched layer for wave propagation in heterogeneous semi-infinite media, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, tome 348, n°12, pp. 1003-1030
Nader F., Silvani C., Djeran-Maigre I., (2019) Effect of micro and macro parameters in 3D modeling of grain crushing, Acta Geotechnica, 14(3), 10.1007/s11440-019-00860-4
Li S., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S. (2019) Hybrid asynchronous absorbing layers based on Kosloff damping for seismic wave propagation in unbounded domains. Computers and Geotechnics, 109:69-81. doi:
- Li S., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S. (2018) Numerical modelling of wave barrier in 2D unbounded medium using Explicit/Implicit multi-time step co-simulation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 365. doi:
Li S., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S. (2018) Explicit/implicit multi-time step co-simulation in unbounded medium with Rayleigh damping and application for wave barrier. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, pp.1-22. 〈10.1080/19648189.2018.1506826〉
- Djeran-Maigre I., Dubujet Ph., Vogel T.M. (2018) Variation over time of excavated soil properties treated with surfactants, Environmental Earth Sciences, 1 February 2018, 77(3) doi10.1007/s12665-018-7230-z
- Nader F., Silvani C., Djeran-Maigre I. (2017). Grain breakage under uniaxial compression, through 3D DEM modelling. EPJ Web of Conferences, 140. doi:
- Nader F., Silvani C., Djeran-Maigre I. (2017), Grain Breakage under uniaxial compression using a three-dimensional discrete element method, Granular Matter, 19(3), 53 DOI10.1007/s10035-017-0737-2
- Sato K., Barast G., Razakamanantsoa A.R., Djeran-Maigre I., Katsumi T., Levacher D, (2017) Comparison of the prehydration and polymer adding effect of Na activated Ca-bentonite submitted to acidic fluids with Free swell index test, Applied Clay Science, 142, 69-80,
- Nader F., Silvani C., Djeran-Maigre I. (2017) Failure of crushable grains using a three-dimensional discrete element model, Published on 21 May 2017
- Barast G., Razakamanantsoa A.R., Djeran-Maigre I. Nicholson T., Williams D. (2017) Swelling properties of natural and modified bentonites by rheological description, Applied Clay Science 142, 60-68, doi:10.1016/j.clay.2016.01.008
Zhang L., Nguyen N.G.H., Lambert S., Nicot F., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I. (2016) The role of force chains in granular materials: from statics to dynamics, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, doi:10.1080/19648189.2016.1194332
Razakamanantsoa, A., Djeran-Maigre, I. (2016) Long term chemo-hydro mechanical behavior of compacted soil bentonite polymer complex submitted to synthetic leachate. Waste Management, 53, 92-104.
- Brun M., Zafati E., Djeran-Maigre I., Prunier F. (2016) Hybrid Asynchronous Perfectly Matched Layer for seismic wave propagation in unbounded domains, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 122:1-15, DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2016.07.006
- Arairo W., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I., Millard A. (2016) Three-dimensional analysis of hydraulic effect on unsaturated slope stability, Environmental Geotechnics,
- Razakamanantsoa R., Djeran-Maigre I., Barast G. (2016) Characterization of bentonite-polymer for bottom liner use, Environmental Geotechnics, 3(1), 28-35,
- Nguyen H.N.G., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I., Nicot F., (2016) Kinetic energy and collapse of granular materials, Granular Matter 18: 5. doi:10.1007/s10035-016-0609-1
- Zafati E., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Prunier F., (2016) Design of an efficient multi-directional explicit/implicit Rayleigh absorbing layer for seismic wave propagation in unbouded domain using a strong form formulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 106:2, 83-112, doi: 10.1002/nme.5002
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2015) Behaviour of segmental tunnel linings under seismic loads studied with the hyperstatic reaction method, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 79(A), 108-117, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.09.007
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2015) 2D numerical investigation of segmental tunnel lining under seismic loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 72, 66-76
- Zafati E., Brun M. Djeran-Maigre I., (2015) A perfectly matched layer for seismic wave propagation in unbounded domain by using heterogeneous multi-time step subdomain methods, Published on 01 Jan 2015
- Do N.-A., Oreste P., Dias D., Croce A., Djeran-Maigre I., Locatelli L. (2014) Stress and strain state in the segmental linings during mechanized tunnelling, Geomechanics and Engineering 7 (1), 75-85
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) Three-Dimensional numerical simulation of a mechanized twin tunnels in soft ground, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42: 40-51,
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) Internal forces in segmental tunnel linings - A comparison between current design methods. Journal of Mining Science, 50(2), 327-335
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) Comparison between design methods applied to segmental tunnel linings. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA. Special Issue on Centrifuge Modelling of Geotechnical Infrastructure & Contributed Papers, (ISSN 0046-5828), 45(3): 64-70
- Zafati E., Brun M., Djeran-Maigre I., Prunier F., (2014) Multi-directional and multi-time step absorbing layer for unbounded domain, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 342: 539-557, Doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2014.05.007
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) A new numerical approach to the hyperstatic reaction method for segmental tunnel linings, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 38(15):1617-1632, DOI: 10.1002/nag.2277
- Arairo W., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I., Millard A., (2014) On the use of effective stress in three-dimensional hydro-mechanical coupled model, Computers & Geotechnics, 01/2014, 58: 56-68
- Arairo W., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I., Millard A., (2014) Three-dimensional analysis of hydraulic effect on unsaturated slope stability, Environmental Geotechnics,
- Qiu B., Limam A., Djeran-Maigre I., (2014) Numerical study of wave barrier and its optimization design, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 84 (2014) 1-13
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014), The behaviour of the segmental tunnel lining studied by the hyperstatic reaction method, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 18(4): 489-510, 2013.872583
- Do, N. A., Dias, D., Oreste, P. P., Djeran-Maigre, I. (2014). 2D tunnel numerical investigation - the influence of the simplified excavation method on tunnel behaviour. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 32(1), 43-58 DOI 10.1007/s10706-013-9690-y
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) Three-dimensional numerical simulation for mechanized tunnelling in soft ground - The influence of the joint pattern, Acta Geotechnica. 9(4), 673-694, DOI 10.1007/s11440-013-0279-7
- Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S.V. (2014) Velocities, dispersion, and energy of SH-waves in anisotropic laminated plates, Acoustical Physics, vol 60, no 2, pp 200-207
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2014) 2D numerical investigations of twin tunnel interaction, Geomechanics and Engineering, 6(3): 263-275,
- Razakamanantsoa A.R., Djeran-Maigre I., (2013), Hydraulic behavior of activated calcium bentonite mixed with polyionic charged polymers for landfill and earthwork applications, Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG), Published on 01 Jul 2013
- Arairo W., Djeran-Maigre I., Prunier F., Millard A., (2013), Hydromechanical coupled model for unsaturated phenomena in a rainfall-induced landslide, Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG), Published on 24 May 2013
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2013) 3D modelling for mechanized tunnelling in soft ground - Influence of the constitutive model, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (8): 863-875, 2013, doi:10.3844/ajassp.2013.863.875
- Do N.-A., Dias D., Oreste P., Djeran-Maigre I. (2013) 2D numerical investigation of segmental tunnel lining behavior, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 37 (2013) 115–127
- Arairo W., Prunier F., Djeran-Maigre I., Darve F., (2012) A new insight in modelling the behaviour of unsaturated soils. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., DOI: 10.1002/nag.2151
- Madeo A., Djeran-Maigre I., Rosi G., Silvani C., (2012) The Effect of Fluid Streams in Porous Media on Acoustic Compression Wave Propagation, Transmission and Reflection, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics DOI 10.1007/s00161-012-0236-y
- Razakamanantsoa R.A., Barast G., Djeran-Maigre I., (2012) Hydraulic performance of activated calcium bentonite treated by polyionic charged polymer, Applied Clay Sciences, 59-60, 103-114
- Razakamanantsoa, R.A., Barast, G., Djeran-Maigre I., (2011) Hydraulic conductivity determination of compacted sand-bentonite mixture using filter press. Geotechnical Testing Journal vol 34, N°1, pp. 9-18
- Haxaire A., Djeran-Maigre I., (2009) Influence of dissolution on the mechanical behaviour of saturated deep argillaceous rocks, Engineering Geology 109, 255-261
- Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S.V., (2008) Solitary SH waves in two layered traction-free plates, C.R. Mecanique 336, janv-fevr 2008, 102-107, DOI10 1016 j crme.2007.11.001
- Kuznetsov S.V., Djeran-Maigre I., (2007) Scattering of elastic waves in dispersed composites, International J. for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 2(1), 52-57
- Haxaire A., Djeran-Maigre I., Millard A., (2007) Etude du comportement couplé THMC des argiles raides, Mécanique et Industries, 8, mai-juin 2007, 235-239
- Delfosse-Ribay E., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Gouvenot D., (2007) Comparison of creep behaviour and fatigue behaviour of grouted sand, Soils and Foundations, April 2007 issue vol.47, n°2, p. 185-194
- VaunatJ., AmadorC.,Romero E., Djeran-Maigre I., (2006), Residual strength of a low plasticity clay at high suctions, Published on 17 Mar 2006
- A homogenization iterative process for nonlinear materials applied to compacted clays, Published on 01 Jan 2006
- Smaoui S., Benhamida A., Djeran-Maigre I., Dumontet H., (2006) Micro-macro approaches coupled to an iterative process for nonlinear porous media, Computer Materials & Continua, vol. 4, No. 3, pp 153-162
- Delfosse-Ribay E., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Gouvenot D., (2006) Factors affecting the creep behavior of grouted sand, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, (ASCE) 1090-0241, (2006) 132:4, p. 488 – 500
- Kuznetsov S.V., Djeran-Maigre I., (2005) Homogenized Poisson's ratio of porous media, International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, vol.1. n°1, 59-64 DOI:10.1615/ IntJCompCivStructEng.v1.i1.60
- Djeran-Maigre I., Kuznetsov S.V. (2005), Surface waves on a half-space with cubic symmetry, International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, vol.1. n°2, p. 29-35, 10.1615/ IntJCompCivStructEng.v1.i2.20
- Benhamida A., Djeran-Maigre I., Dumontet H., Smaoui S. (2005) Clay compaction modelling by homogenization theory, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, vol.42/7-8. oct-dec 2005, p. 996 – 1005
- Conil N., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Su K., (2004) Thermodynamics modelling of plasticity and damage of argillite, Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences : MECANIQUE, Elsevier Science, N 10, Tome 332, p. 841 - 848
- Conil N., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Su K., (2004) Poroplastic damage model for claystones, Applied Clay Science, Elsevier Science, vol.26. n°1-4, p. 473-487
- Delfosse-Ribay E., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Gouvenot D., (2004) Shear modulus and damping ratio of grouted sand, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, n°24, p. 461 - 471
- Aublivé-Conil N., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., Su K., (2002) Poroplastic modelling including damage for deep argillaceous rocks, Published on 17 Dec 2020.
- Delfosse-Ribay E., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., GouvenotD., (2002) Grouts influence on unconfined creep behavior of grouted sands: experimental study and primary creep modelisation, Ground Improvement, january 2002, 6, n° 1, 23-37
- Aït Djaoud R., Djeran-Maigre I., Cabrillac R., (2001) Calculation of natural frequencies of beam structures including concentrated mass effects by dynamic stiffness matrix method, Materials and Structures, 34, march 2001, 71-75
- Djeran-Maigre I., Gasc-Barbier M., (2000) Hydromechanical modelling of experimentally compacted saturated argillaceous porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 41, 81-103
- Djeran-Maigre I., Barbier M., Grunberger D., (1998) Experimental compaction of clays and associated hydromechanical modelling, Published on 17 dec 2020
- Djeran-Maigre I., Tessier D., Grunberger D., Velde B., Vasseur G., (1998) Evolution of microstructures and of macroscopic properties of some clays during experimental compaction, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 15, 109-128
- Pouya A., Djeran-Maigre I., Lamoureux-Var V., Grunberger D., (1998) Mechanical behaviour of fin grained sediments: experimental compaction and three-dimensional constitutive model, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 15, 129-143
- Djeran-Maigre I., Rousset G., Grunberger D., (1996) Experimental compaction and evolution of physical properties of clay-sediments, Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Formation Evaluation, December 1996, SPE Form Eval 11 (04): 223-228,
- Vasseur G., Djeran-Maigre I., Grunberger D., Tessier D., Rousset G., Velde B., (1995) Evolution of structural and physical parameters of clays during experimental compaction, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol.12, n°8, 941-954
- Grunberger D., Djeran-Maigre I., Velde B., Tessier D., (1994) Measurement through direct observation of kaolinite particle reorientation during compaction, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 318, série II, 627-633