Stéphane GRANGE

04 72 43 82 85
Position : Professeur des Universités (PU)
- Directeur du laboratoire GEOMAS
- Ancien directeur des études du département GCU de l'INSA Lyon et ancien responsable du Master 1 GCI de l'Université de Grenoble-Alpes
- Biographie : Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan, 2001-2004, Doctorat en 2008, Maitre de conférences à l’Université de Grenoble-Alpes entre 2009 et 2016, HDR de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes en 2015, Professeur des Universités à l’INSA de Lyon depuis 2016
- Thématique(s) de recherche : Génie parasismique, Modélisation par éléments finis des structures de génie civil en dynamique, Interactions sol-structure, développement du code éléments finis ALT4S (A Tool and Language for Simplified Structural Solution Strategy) pour le développement de lois de comportement d'éléments enrichis pour le Génie Parasismique.
- Mots clés : Eléments finis, enrichissement d’éléments, loi de comportement pour le béton, dynamique des structures.
- Enseignement(s) : Structure (poutres, plaques), Modélisation avancée des structures, Méthode des éléments finis,...
- Publication(s) : (41 publications internationales dont:)
- Trad M., Bitar I., Grange S., Richard B., Enhanced beams and plates models incorporating the steel-concrete interface behavior for large-scale reinforced concrete structural applications, FINEL, 2024, accepted
- Grange S., Bertrand D. Co-rotational 3d beam element using quaternion algebra to account for large rotations : Formulation theory and static applications. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 293 :112746, 2024,
- Milane R., Brian ̧con L., Grange S., Cazes P., Daouadji A., (2023) Experimental investigation of the behaviour of pile foundations of a high-rise building, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, DOI : 10.1080/19648189.2023.2255246
- Demestre, L., Grange, S., Dubois, C., Bideau, N., Nicolas G., Pontonnier C., Dumont G., Cha- racterization of the dynamic behavior of a diving board using motion capture data, Sports Engi- neering (2022) 25–21 https ://
- Bertrand D., Grange S., Charri ́e J.B., Progressive collapse analysis of RC frame building based on Pseudo-Dynamic (PsD) testing with sub-structuring, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, Volume 52, 15 July 2022, 104420, https ://
- JaafariC.,GrangeS.,BertrandD.,GeorginJF.,TardifN.,DelhommeF.,Multifiberfiniteelement model based on enhanced concrete constitutive law to account for the effects of early age damage on the seismic response of RC Structures, Accepted in Engineering Structures, 2022
- Grange S., Bertrand D., Heterogeneous and asynchronous time-schemes implicit coupling using a primal approach based on velocity continuity at the sub- domains interface (accepted), FINEL, 2021
- Langlade T., Bertrand D., Grange S., Candia G., De la Llera JC., Modelling of earthquake- induced pounding between adjacent structures with a non-smooth contact dynamics method, Engineering and Structures, 2021
- Capdevielle S., Grange S., Dufour F., Desprez C., A shear warping kinematic enhancement for fiber beam elements with a damaging cross-section, Finite elements in Analysis and Design, 2021
- Bertrand D., Grange S., Bourrier F., Langlade T., Nonlinear dynamic simulation of cable based structures interacting with sliding objects using the concept of macro element, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol : 214-215, p :45 - 60, 2021, issn :0020-7683, doi :ttps :// url : http ://,
- Attal R., Grange S., Baroth J, Dahmani A, Mechanical-probabilistic formulation of the soilstructure interaction, accounting for the average shear wave velocity, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 45, 2, 176-190, https ://, 2021
- Jaafari, C., Bertrand D., Guillot T., Prudhomme E., Tardif N., Georgin JF., Delhomme F., Trunfio R., Chateur N., Bruyere E., Augeard E., Baillet L., Gueguen P., Grange S., Effect of early age drying shrinkage on the seismic response of RC structures, Materials and Structures (2020)53 :133 https ://
- Bertrand D., Tardif N., Bourrier F., Barré JB, Grange S.. A novel identification method for obtaining bending moment–curvature relations of wood stems based on digital image correlation and SDOF analysis. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Taylor & Francis, In press, 10.1080/19648189.2019.1602567. hal-02094497, 2019
- Bitar I., Benkemoun N., Kotronis P., Grange S., A multifiber Timoshenko beam with embedded discontinuities, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 214, 2019, Pages 339-364, ISSN 0013-7944, https ://
- Bitar I., Kotronis P. , Benkemoun N., Grange S., A generalized Timoshenko beam with embedded rotation discontinuity, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 150, 2018, Pages 34-50, ISSN 0168-874X, https ://
- Fritsch E., Sieffert Y., Algusab H., Grange S., Garnier P., Daudeville L., Numerical analysis on seismic resistance of a two- story timber-framed structure with stone and earth infill, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2018, DOI : 10.1080/15583058.2018.1479804
- Mazars J., Grange S., Briffaut M., Simplified modeling strategy for the thermomecha- nical analysis of massive reinforced structures at an early age, Applied Science, MDPI, 2018, doi :10.3390/app8030448
- R-12 Khoder N., Grange S., Sieffert Y., Enhancement of a 2D multifiber beam element in the case of reinforced concrete structures for taking into account the lateral confinement of concrete due to stirrups, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018, https ://
- Ghannoum M., Imtiaz A., Grange S., Causse M., Cornou C., Baroth J., 2018, Behaviour of a 2D reinforced concrete frame structure under differential seismic excitation, Behaviour of a 2D reinforced concrete frame structure under differential seismic excitation, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI : 10.1080/13632469.2018.1453398
- Koufoudi E, Cornou C, Grange S., Dufour F,Imtiaz A, Quantification of the amplitude variability of the groundmotion in Argostoli, Greece. Variability of linear and non-linear structural response of a single degree of freedom system, Bull Earthquake Eng, https :// 018-0313-0, January 2018
- Vieux-Champagne F., Sieffert Y., Grange S., Belinga Nko’o C., Bertrand E., Duccini J.C., Faye C., and Daudeville L., Experimental analysis of a shake table test of a timber-framed structures with stone and earth infill, doi : 10.1193/010516EQS002M, Earthquake Spectra, Posted online on February 2017.
- Mazars J., Grange S., Simplified strategies based on damage mechanics for concrete under dynamic loading. Philosophical Transactions A, Royal Society. A 375 : 20160170.http ://, 2017
- Berge Thierry C., Svay A.,Laurendeau A., Chartier T., Perron V., Guyonnet-Benaize C., Kishta E., Cottereau R., Lopez-Caballero F., Hollender F., Richard B., Ragueneau F., Vol- doire F., Banci F., Zentner I., Moussallam N., Lancieri M., Bard P.Y., Grange S., Erlicher S., Kotronis P., Le A., Nicolas M., Regnier J., Bonilla L.F, Nikolaos T., Toward an integrated seismic risk assessment for nuclear safety improving current French methodologies through the SINAPS@ research project, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier, 2017, 323 (1), pp.185-201. 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.07.004
- Bitar I., Grange S., Kotronis P., Benkemoun N., A comparison of displacement ba- sed Timoshenko multi-fiber beams, finite element formulations and elasto-plastic applications, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Pages 464-490, volume 22, 2016, https ://
- Sieffert Y., Vieux-Champagne F., Grange S., Garnier P., Duccini J.C., Daudeville L., Full-field measurement with a digital image correlation analysis of a shake table test on a timber- framed structure filled with stones and earth, Engineering Structures 123 (2016) 451–472,http ://
- Mazars J., Grange S. Modeling of reinforced concrete structural members for engineering purposes, Computers and Concrete, Vol. 16, No. 5 (2015) 683-701 DOI : http :// cac.2015.16.5.683
- Capdevielle S., Grange S., Dufour F., Desprez C. A multifiber beam model coupling tor- sional warping and damage for reinforced concrete structures, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, accepted 2015, DOI : 10.1080/19648189.2015.1084384
- Koufoudi E., Ktenidou OJ., Cotton F., Dufour F., Grange S., Empirical Ground-Motion Models adapted to the intensity measure ASA 40, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Springer Netherlands, pp.1–19, doi :10.1007/s10518-015-9797-z, 2015
- De Biasio M., Grange S., Dufour F., Allain F., Petre-Lazar I. Intensity measures for pro- babilistic assessment of non-structural components acceleration demand, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol : 44, n◦13, pp.2261–2280, 2015, DOI : 10.1002/eqe.2582
- Mazars J., Hamon F., Grange S. A new 3D concrete damage model under monotonic, cyclic and dynamic loadings, Material and Structures, 2014,DOI 10.1617/s11527-014-0439-8
- De Biasio M., Grange S., Dufour F., Allain F., Petre-Lazar I. A Simple and Efficient Intensity Measure accounting for Non-linear Behavior of Structures, Earthquake Spectra, vol : 30, n◦4, pp1403–1426, doi = 10.1193/010614EQS006M, 2014
- Grange S. An integration procedure based on multi-surface plasticity for plane stress plasticity : Theoretical formulation and application, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2014, DOI : 10.1002/nme.4638
- Vieux-Champagne F., Sieffert Y., Grange S., Polastri A., Ceccotti A., Daudeville L. Experimental analysis of seismic resistance of timber-framed structures with stones and earth infill, Engineering Structures, 2014, 69 :102–115,DOI :10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.02.020
- Mazars J., Grange S., Desprez C., Seismic risk Structural response of constructions, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering Vol : 15 Special Issue : SI Pages : 223-246 DOI : 1 https :// .223-246 Published : 2011
- Grange S., Botrugno L., Kotronis P., Tamagnini C. The effects of Soil-Structure Inter- action on a reinforced concrete viaduct. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 40, n◦1, pp.93-105, 2011, DOI : 10.1002/eqe.1034
- Kotronis P., Grange S. (WoS) Simplified modelling strategies for reinforced concrete structures. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Vol. 14, n◦ 6-7, pp. 823- 838, 2010,http ://
- Grange S., Kotronis P., Mazars J. A macro-element to simulate dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction. Engineering Structures, vol. 31 (2009) 3034-3046, doi :10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.08.007
- Grange S., Kotronis P., Mazars J. A macro-element to simulate 3D soil-structure in- teraction considering plasticity and uplift. International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 46 (2009) 3651-3663, doi :10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.06.015
- Grange S., Kotronis P., Mazars J. A macro-element for a shallow foundation to simulate Soil-Structure Interaction considering uplift. Acad. Sc. Comptes rendus - Mecanique 336 (2008), pp. 856-862, http ://
- Grange S., Kotronis P., Mazars J. Numerical modelling of the seismic behaviour of a 7-story building : NEES benchmark. Materials and Structures, 2008, vol. 42, n◦10, p. 1433-1442, 2009 DOI 10.1617/s11527-008-9462-y
- Grange S., Kotronis P., Mazars J. A macro-element for a circular foundation to simulate 3D soil-structure interaction. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 32, issue 10, pp. 1205-1227, 2008.